Actions performable for Proxy
How to use Shared Proxy Actions with API.
public static void proxyActions() {
* Get wrapped proxy server
* */
WrappedProxiedServer proxy = BungeeSync.getWrappedProxiedServer();
* Example for sending broadcasts
* */
proxy.broadcast("Your message");
proxy.broadcast(TextComponent.fromLegacyText("Message can be also a BaseComponent[]"));
* Getting players on all connected proxies
* */
Collection<SyncedPlayer> players = proxy.getPlayers();
* Getting all player names for tab completer to your commands
* */
List<String> names = proxy.getPlayerNames();
* Getting all players (Number)
* */
int totalPlayers = proxy.getPlayersCount();
* Example for creating shared cache
* (If you want to cache your advanced
* objects, create for them reader & writer
* to compile objects to string...)
* NOTE: If you use 2 same ids, plugin will override data...
* */
Set<String> mySharedSet = proxy.getOrCreateSetCache("test-set");
List<String> mySharedList = proxy.getOrCreateListCache("test-list");
Map<String, String> mySharedMap = proxy.getOrCreateMapCache("test-map");
* Use your objects normally...
* */
boolean isThereSomeValue = mySharedSet.contains("some value");
boolean isListEmpty = mySharedList.isEmpty();
boolean isMapBiggerThanOne = mySharedMap.size() > 1;
* After editing objects, you need to sync it...
* Use this methods!
* */
Last updated