Sending Animations
Learn how to use Animations module
Every command in this module begins with /at sendAnimation
All system messages are handled! If you're using version below 1.16, plugin will automatically send you prepared legacy message with the same text!
Command Format
Example: /at sendAnimation <Players> <Parameters> <Animation> [AnimationArguments] <Title%subtitle%subtitle>
<Players> - Receivers <Parameters> - Animation Parameters <Animation> - Animation Name [AnimationArguments] - Depends on animation, hex colors or others <Title%subtitle%subtitle> - Title and subtitle split with %subtitle%
<Players> Parameter
Define receivers with parameter <Players>.
Sending animation to everybody: all
Sending animation to single player: Player1
Sending animation to multiple players: Player1,Player2
Sending animation to selected players by permission: -p:permission.receive
Sending animation to selected players by world: -w:worldName
Select players by combining: -p:some.permission,-w:worldName,Player1 (This mix function works as or, so if player has permission or is in world named ...)
Animation <Parameters>
Defines animation's custom or default settings.
Configurable boss-bar color: cc:{color} (Colors: PINK,BLUE,RED,GREEN,YELLOW,PURPLE,WHITE)
Configurable position: p:{position} (Positions: TITLE,SUBTITLE,BOSSBAR,ACTIONBAR)
Configurable animation duration: d:{duration} (Feel free to set your own duration in seconds)
Configurable frames-per-second: fps:{fps} (Minimum is 1, and maximum is 20, everything above will be ignored)
If you want to mix those parameters, use ',' to split them.
Type @ to use default settings
Mix example: cc:RED,p:ACTIONBAR,d:20,fps:20
Animation Name
Animation name will be displayed in tab completer!
[AnimationArguments] Parameter
Those arguments is REQUIRED to create selected animation. Some animations don't have arguments, some do. Look for Animation creation in Animations section!
Title and Subtitle
Title and subtitle are split by %subtitle%.
If you're using p:SUBTITLE, main title will be subtitle!
If you're using p:BOSSBAR or p:ACTIONBAR, subtitle will be ignored!
Example: Welcome here%subtitle%M3II0!
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