Creating Custom SubCommand
Learn how to create custom subcommand!
Command handler needs to extend CommandHandler interface
public class APIExample implements CommandHandler {
public boolean readAndExecute(CommandSender s, String[] args) {
* Your command handler
* @ false - helpMessage() will be sent to command sender
* @ true - helpMessage() won't be sent to command sender
* */
return false;
public List<String> readAndReturn(CommandSender s, String[] args) {
* Your tab completer
* */
return null;
public String permission() {
return "";
public HandlerType handlerType() {
return new ExtensionHandlerType();
public BaseComponent[] helpMessage() {
* For this you can use built in TextComponentBuilder!
* */
TextComponentBuilder builder = new TextComponentBuilder();
// Appending legacy text (Will be colorized automatically)
builder.appendLegacy("&aSome text");
// Appending legacy text with hover (Will be colorized automatically)
builder.appendLegacy("&aSome text", "&bSome Hover");
// Appending legacy text with click (Will be colorized automatically)
builder.appendLegacy("&aSome text", ClickEvent.Action.OPEN_URL, "some.url");
// Appending legacy text with hover & click (Will be colorized automatically)
builder.appendLegacy("&aSome text", "&bSome Hover", ClickEvent.Action.OPEN_URL, "some.url");
// Returning component
return builder.createMessage();
Registering your CommandHandler
* Let's register your handler with API!
* @ String - SubArgument (For example now usage is /at clearchat)
* @ CommandHandler - Your handler object
* */
AmazingTitles.registerCommandHandler("clearChat", new ClearChatCommandHandler());
Last updated