Item configuration

Learn, how to correctly configure your custom item

Paths & Values example

  Material: STICK
  CustomModelData: 0
  Name: "<#29ffbf>&lMagical Wand</#695eff>" 
    - ""
    - "&{#29ffbf}Description:"
    - " &f? 3 Spells"
    - " &a+ 3% Damage"
    - " &a+ 5% Protection"
    - " &c+ 10% Delay"
    - ""

Be consistent in setting up item. The order of spells, owner and type will subsequently be entered in it. Material can be whatever you want. CustomModelData is used in ResourcePacks, so if you're using server resource pack, you can define your custom model data! Item's display name, feel free to use HEX and Gradient integration. Lore of item, also feel free to use HEX o Gradient.

Last updated