Charm Example
This is example, how to create your own charm!
# Turn off/on charm
Enabled: false
# What permission is required to see this charm as available?
# NOTE: Without permission player is not available to use this charm
Permission: "magicwands.charm.CustomCharm"
# What skull will they see in GUI?
# NOTE: Open, select head and paste here Value
Skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZjkwMWYwNzg1ZDIyMmU5YWZhNTA1NmNkZGFmZGI3YTMzYTRhYTljODllOTEyZWU3MWYzM2I2ZDc2MzEwNTRkIn19fQ=="
# Define raw name for Charm
# NOTE: Don't use colors there
Name: "CustomCharm"
# Define description, a little lore what charm does
Description: "Just example how to correctly create Charm!"
# Define display name for Charm
# NOTE: You can use colors now!
DisplayName: "&{#ffa408}CustomCharm"
# Full number with delay (In seconds)
# NOTE: Configure this properly, spamming can affect CPU performance
Delay: 10
# Configure functions of Wand
# Send message to player after dispatch! (Fully supports HEX, Gradient & PAPI)
- "&aYou've used CharmExample!"
# Dispatch command as player
# NOTE: Without '/'
- "say hello"
# Dispatch command as Console
# NOTE: Without '/'
- "say hello"
# Broadcast message (Fully supports HEX, Gradient & PAPI)
- "&a%player_name% used CharmExample!"
# Send message to looking target if it is player! (Fully supports HEX, Gradient & PAPI)
# NOTE: Placeholders will be applied for DAMAGED entity
- "&cYou've been attacked!"
# Send message to all damaged entities! (Fully supports HEX, Gradient & PAPI)
# NOTE: Placeholders will be applied for each DAMAGED entity
- "&cYou've been attacked!"
# Select and configure damages for charm
# Damage to executing entity (Player)
# Damage to damage dealer (Sender)
# NOTE: Amplifier won't change this value
Damage: 5.0
# Give damage to looking entity
# Number of blocks (Radius limitation)
# NOTE: Don't set this value too high, it can affect server performance
Length: 10
# Damage
# NOTE: Wand amplifier will be included here!
Damage: 20.0
# Damage all in radius
# Number of blocks (Radius limitation)
# NOTE: Don't set this value too high, it can affect server performance
Radius: 10
# Damage
# NOTE: Wand amplifier will be included here!
Damage: 3.0
# Damage all in radius and kill randomly
# Number of blocks (Radius limitation)
# NOTE: Don't set this value too high, it can affect server performance
Radius: 10
# Damage
# NOTE: Wand amplifier will be included here!
Damage: 3.0
# Damage all in radius and kill the closest one
# Number of blocks (Radius limitation)
# NOTE: Don't set this value too high, it can affect server performance
Radius: 10
# Damage
# NOTE: Wand amplifier will be included here!
Damage: 3.0
# Damage all in radius and kill the closest one
# Number of blocks (Radius limitation)
# NOTE: Don't set this value too high, it can affect server performance
Radius: 10
# Minimum Damage value
MinDamage: 1.0
# Maximum Damage value
MaxDamage: 2.0
# Damage all in radius and kill randomly
# Number of blocks (Radius limitation)
# NOTE: Don't set this value too high, it can affect server performance
Radius: 10
# Minimum Damage value
MinDamage: 1.0
# Maximum Damage value
MaxDamage: 2.0
# Damage all in radius and kill the closest one
# Number of blocks (Radius limitation)
# NOTE: Don't set this value too high, it can affect server performance
Radius: 10
# Minimum Damage value
MinDamage: 1.0
# Maximum Damage value
MaxDamage: 2.0
# Kill randomly in radius
# Number of blocks (Radius limitation)
# NOTE: Don't set this value too high, it can affect server performance
Radius: 10
# Kill the closest in radius
# Number of blocks (Radius limitation)
# NOTE: Don't set this value too high, it can affect server performance
Radius: 10
# Push out/in targeted entity
# Power of punch
Power: 4.8
# If reverse = true, entity will be pushed INTO player's location
Reverse: false
# Push out/in entities in radius
# Power of punch
Power: 4.8
# Number of blocks (Radius limitation)
# NOTE: Don't set this value too high, it can affect server performance
Radius: 10
# If reverse = true, entity will be pushed INTO player's location
Reverse: false
# Launch out/in targeted entity to sky
# Power of launch
Power: 4.8
# Launch out/in entities in radius to sky
# Power of launch
Power: 4.8
# Number of blocks (Radius limitation)
# NOTE: Don't set this value too high, it can affect server performance
Radius: 10
# Burn targeted entity
# Number (Seconds of fire duration)
Duration: 3
# Burn targeted entity entities
# Number (Seconds of fire duration)
Duration: 3
# Number of blocks (Radius limitation)
# NOTE: Don't set this value too high, it can affect server performance
Radius: 10
# Potion effect to looking entity
# Potion effect (List can be found on WIKI)
# FORMAT: "effect;amplifier;duration"
- "SLOWNESS;1;3"
# Potion effect to entities in radius
# Potion effect (List can be found on WIKI)
# FORMAT: "effect;amplifier;duration"
- "SLOWNESS;1;3"
# Number of blocks (Radius limitation)
# NOTE: Don't set this value too high, it can affect server performance
Radius: 10
# Select and configure particle effects to Charm
# NOTE: Be careful and configure Arguments carefully
# NOTE: This is just an example, if you don't want to use some effect, just remove section...
# Spawn static colored particle
# Define where should particle spawn
# Values:
# > DEALER - Entity who used charm
# > DAMAGED - Primary damaged entity
Target: DEALER
# Define color for particle
# NOTE: This animation is not supporting Gradient or Multiple effect color!
Color: "#ffffff"
# Define size of particle
# NOTE: Default = 1.0
Size: 10.0
# Amount of particles
# NOTE: Default = 1
Amount: 10
# Offset for Y
# NOTE: Starting on target's location
Y_Offset: 0.8
# Spawn static circle around target
# Define where should particle spawn
# Values:
# > DEALER - Entity who used charm
# > DAMAGED - Primary damaged entity
# > ALL - Every entity (Can be used only if effect contains Radius parameter)
Target: DEALER
# Define color for particle
# NOTE: This animation supports Gradient and Multiple color particles
# Examples:
# > Multiple colors -> #ffffff,#000000,...
# - Insert how many colors do you like to have
# > Gradient effect -> Gradient(#ffffff,#000000,10)
# - Insert first color, second color and number of colors in transition
Color: "#ffffff"
# Difference between particles
# NOTE: Don't set this value too low, can affect server performance
Density: 0.05
# Define size of circle around the target
# NOTE: Don't set this value too high, can affect server performance
Radius: 5
# Define size of particle
# NOTE: Default = 1.0
Size: 10.0
# Amount of particles
# NOTE: Default = 1
Amount: 10
# Offset for Y
# NOTE: Starting on target's location
Y_Offset: 0.8
# Create straight line in front of player
# Define where should particle spawn
# Values:
# > DEALER - Entity who used charm
Target: DEALER
# Define color for particle
# NOTE: This animation supports Gradient and Multiple color particles
# Examples:
# > Multiple colors -> #ffffff,#000000,...
# - Insert how many colors do you like to have
# > Gradient effect -> Gradient(#ffffff,#000000,10)
# - Insert first color, second color and number of colors in transition
Color: "#ffffff"
# Number of blocks (Length of the line)
# NOTE: Don't set this value too high, can affect server performance
Length: 10
# Define size of particle
# NOTE: Default = 1.0
Size: 10.0
# Amount of particles
# NOTE: Default = 1
Amount: 10
# Offset for Y
# NOTE: Starting on target's location
Y_Offset: 0.8
# Create random curved line in front of player
# Define where should particle spawn
# Values:
# > DEALER - Entity who used charm
Target: DEALER
# Define color for particle
# NOTE: This animation supports Gradient and Multiple color particles
# Examples:
# > Multiple colors -> #ffffff,#000000,...
# - Insert how many colors do you like to have
# > Gradient effect -> Gradient(#ffffff,#000000,10)
# - Insert first color, second color and number of colors in transition
Color: "#ffffff"
# Number of blocks (Length of the line)
# NOTE: Don't set this value too high, can affect server performance
Length: 10
# Define size of particle
# NOTE: Default = 1.0
Size: 10.0
# Amount of particles
# NOTE: Default = 1
Amount: 10
# Offset for Y
# NOTE: Starting on target's location
Y_Offset: 0.8
# Create spiral incoming into the target
# Define where should particle spawn
# Values:
# > DEALER - Entity who used charm
# > DAMAGED - Primary damaged entity
# > ALL - Every entity (Can be used only if effect contains Radius parameter)
Target: DEALER
# Define color for particle
# NOTE: This animation supports Gradient and Multiple color particles
# Examples:
# > Multiple colors -> #ffffff,#000000,...
# - Insert how many colors do you like to have
# > Gradient effect -> Gradient(#ffffff,#000000,10)
# - Insert first color, second color and number of colors in transition
Color: "#ffffff"
# Define size of circle around the target
# NOTE: Don't set this value too high, can affect server performance
Radius: 5
# Define size of particle
# NOTE: Default = 1.0
Size: 10.0
# Amount of particles
# NOTE: Default = 1
Amount: 10
# Offset for Y
# NOTE: Starting on target's location
Y_Offset: 0.8
# Create spiral incoming into the target
# Define where should particle spawn
# Values:
# > DEALER - Entity who used charm
Target: DEALER
# Define color for particle
# NOTE: This animation supports Gradient and Multiple color particles
# Examples:
# > Multiple colors -> #ffffff,#000000,...
# - Insert how many colors do you like to have
# > Gradient effect -> Gradient(#ffffff,#000000,10)
# - Insert first color, second color and number of colors in transition
Color: "#ffffff"
# Define size of circle around the target
# NOTE: Don't set this value too high, can affect server performance
Radius: 5
# Difference between particles
# NOTE: Don't set this value too low, can affect server performance
Density: 0.05
# Define size of particle
# NOTE: Default = 1.0
Size: 10.0
# Amount of particles
# NOTE: Default = 1
Amount: 10
# Offset for Y
# NOTE: Starting on target's location
Y_Offset: 0.3
# Creates line above entity
# Define where should particle spawn
# Values:
# > DEALER - Entity who used charm
# > DAMAGED - Primary damaged entity
# > ALL - Every entity (Can be used only if effect contains Radius parameter)
Target: DEALER
# Height of line in blocks (Y)
Height: 8
# Define size of particle
# NOTE: Default = 1.0
Size: 10.0
# Amount of particles
# NOTE: Default = 1
Amount: 10
# This value is optional (Use it when you're using ALL Target value)
Radius: 5
# Define where should particle spawn
# Values:
# > DEALER - Entity who used charm
# > DAMAGED - Primary damaged entity
# > ALL - Every entity (Can be used only if effect contains Radius parameter)
Target: DEALER
# This value is optional (Use it when you're using ALL Target value)
Radius: 5
# Define where should particle spawn
# Values:
# > DEALER - Entity who used charm
# > DAMAGED - Primary damaged entity
# > ALL - Every entity (Can be used only if effect contains Radius parameter)
# This value is optional (Use it when you're using ALL Target value)
Radius: 5
# Offset for Y
# NOTE: Starting on target's location
Y_Offset: 0.8
# Configure sounds of charm
# List of sounds you can find on
Last updated