Global Options
Global options located in /MagicalWands/options.yml
# Seconds between plugin actions
# NOTE: Commands, CharmSelector open...
# NOTE: Use this value properly, no delay can affect server performance
# REMINDER: This will not affect charm delay
ActionDelay: 2
# You can configure here your Wands functionality
# NOTE: Read comments to understand function
# Opens CharmsEditor when player holding shift + wand in hand for 5 seconds
CharmEditorShiftHold: true
# Player has to be owner of the wand to use it
# NOTE: Owner is selected with giving command
OwnerCondition: true
# What happens with wand, if owner has been killed?
# NOTE: Configure this value properly!
# Values:
# > NEW_OWNER (Killer will be new owner & wand will drop)
# > KEEP (Wand keeps to owner's inventory after death)
# > LOOSE (Wand won't drop, but won't be saved... It means wand will be lost)
# Handler: If you don't set this value correctly, default value is: NEW_OWNER
OwnerDeath: NEW_OWNER
# If you are not using PotionEffects in your wands, change value to 'false' and disable this feature
# NOTE: By disabling you'll not receive configured potion effects, but also safe some performance for your server
PotionEffects: true
# Disable or Enable info bar located in ActionBar
# NOTE: It's active when you're holding the wand
InfoBar: true
# Configure GUIs to your own design, and texts!
# NOTE: Feel free to use HEX colors or Gradient
# Using HEX color -> &{#ffffff}Text
# Using Gradient -> <#ffffff>{TextModifier}Text</#000000>
# {TextModifier} -> Could be &l/&o/&n/&k/&m
# Configure look of CharmSelector GUI!
# REMINDER: This menu is pageable
# Title of menu
# NOTE: Feel free to use PlaceholderAPI placeholders here!
Title: "&7Charms for %player_name%"
# Menu layout
# NOTE: Minimum is 1 line and maximum is 6
# REMINDER: Every line must have 9 characters
# LOCKED VALUES: (These characters are locked!)
# > '<' = Prev page
# > '>' = Next page
# > 'x' = Close menu
- "----o----"
- " "
- " "
- " "
- " "
- "<---x--->"
# Character replaced for Charms...
CharmChar: ' '
# Just set-up Name & Lore please
# NOTE: Skull can be configured in charm.yml!
# Placeholders:
# > {CharmName} - Charm's display name
# > {CharmPosition} - Charm's position text (Can be configured in lang.yml)
Name: "{CharmName}"
- "&7{CharmPosition}"
- ""
- " &7| LeftClick - Set to position 1"
- " &7| RightClick - Set to position 2"
- " &7| MiddleClick - Set to position 3"
- ""
# This item doesn't support PlaceholderAPI
Material: "Skull=eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjE5OGViNTRhZTA5ODAyZmU3NzUzOTllYzgwN2RhZDJkYjU1MWRiNThkZWE2YTQ2ZDA2MDhjZGQ5ZjZiOTAyZCJ9fX0="
Amount: 1
CustomModelData: 0
Name: "&cClose"
Lore: []
HideAttributes: true
# This item doesn't support PlaceholderAPI
Material: "Skull=eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYWZhNGM4MjcxMDgzNzQ4MGRmNTc1Y2EwZDY0Y2VmMmZjZGFkYWVjZTcwOTFiNzA3NmI5MjNjNjdlNWY0ZTg0OSJ9fX0="
Amount: 1
CustomModelData: 0
Name: "&a<"
Lore: []
HideAttributes: true
# This item doesn't support PlaceholderAPI
Material: "Skull=eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYzNmNmRiYTFkMGNiZDI3NTRiZWQyZThlYjhjZTEzODZmMGJkNjAzOTliOTQ2MjA2NmY3ZDIxMDBhZjMwODBjNyJ9fX0="
Amount: 1
CustomModelData: 0
Name: "&7You're at the start"
Lore: []
HideAttributes: true
# This item doesn't support PlaceholderAPI
Material: "Skull=eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjM5NTExOWRkNTIwMWEyNDJiODZiNDg2NmQ2ZjA0NTQxYjAwYjkyZWJkZDU3Y2UyNzkxOWZiNWYxMDJhNmRkZCJ9fX0="
Amount: 1
CustomModelData: 0
Name: "&a>"
Lore: []
HideAttributes: true
# This item doesn't support PlaceholderAPI
Material: "Skull=eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTdlNTUxNzdmNmE3M2UwZDk4MTI0MmNjYTVlNDJmYWEzYzBlNWUzZjE5MTVlYmE4ZThkOWQ1MmRlNTIyYjU2ZiJ9fX0="
Amount: 1
CustomModelData: 0
Name: "&7You're at the end"
Lore: []
HideAttributes: true
# Items are for menu styling...
# NOTE: They not have any functionality
# REMINDER: Fell free to use PlaceholderAPI in name or lore!
# A little example what can you configure in Item
# '?':
# # Feel free to use also values:
# # ViewerHead, Skull={Value} or PlayerHead={PlayerName}
# Amount: 1
# CustomModelData: 0
# Name: "&f"
# Lore:
# - "&7"
# HideEnchantments: true
# HideAttributes: true
# HideDye: true
# Enchantments:
# Border item
Amount: 1
CustomModelData: 0
Name: "&f"
Lore: []
HideAttributes: true
# Player info item
Material: ViewerHead
Amount: 1
CustomModelData: 0
Name: "&f%player_name%"
Lore: []
HideAttributes: true
Last updated